The Old Caledonia Artificer Apprentices’ Association
© OCAAA 2009-2024
The OCAAA Newsletter - Published Issues Digital copies of the OCAAA Newsletter are available through the link below. Spring and Autumn/Winter editions are available from the Autumn/Winter 2008 publication to the present day. A summer edition was introduced in 2014 and these are also available up to and including the present day. To access pdf copies of the OCAAA newsletter, please click on the large Newsletter image below and a new window will open to display a directory listing of the available issues. Click on the underlined title of the issue you want to see and it will open in a new window. Our Media Maestro, Alan Browne, welcomes contributions from members for inclusion in the Newsletter. Please send copy to Alan by email using the link on the “Contact Us” page. High resolution copies of photos you wish to attach to your article are also most welcome.