© OCAAA 2009-2024
The Old Caledonia Artificer Apprentices’ Association


Here reside our photographic archives. Class photos, band photos and generally everything that anyone took a photo of in their youth. We even have a few reunion archives, provded by those classes who are socially active today. We’ve grouped our photographs to aid search and viewing.  Class photographs have been broken down into three sections to reflect the three designations used to identify classes of boyarts during the life of HMS Caledonia.  The content of other albums will be self-evident from their titles.  Each photo has a caption describing the content. To view, select a photo icon from those on the right and then select from the collection to view a particular photo. Photos can be enlarged by clicking on the appropriate button.
This area of our web site is currently in development and build. It’s taking a while to get a happy medium on access and identification. Please bear with us.